Movie Thoughts

Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business
Dreams (Working Title)
The Seventh Tower Saga
Life (Working Title)
Biographic Pictures
Book Based Films/Remakes
Ancient History
American History
The Classics
The Kennedys (Working Title)


My real big first idea.Very much influenced by Alfred Hitchcock, my favorite director. It took a while and I actually started another script before coming back to this idea to begin making characters and also to work on the script.

The Story
A man who is a newspaper writer goes on what seems like a harmless assignment to try and gather answers from a terrorist who was put in jail some years before. What follows is a thrilling story line as the writer is thrown into a place he never thought he would be. As things unfold, he forms connections between six other people that are strangers at first but soon become all too close.

Script Process
Started in May 2005
Written Scenes 1-12 (Of An Estimated 32)
Write a couple scenes before going back to edit and add corrections.
Cast Of Characters
John Ider (Political Figure)
Michelle Cruz (FBI Agent)
Julie Fox (Accountant)
Brad Daver (Student)
Richard Sideon (Millionaire)
Claire Lewis (Teacher)
Angelina Nahele and Will Benson (Investigators)
Chris McTierman (Newspaper Writer)
Ray Cadlou (Terrorist)
Washington D.C.
Rapid City, South Dakota
New York City, New York
Miami, Florida
Los Angeles, California